Protect Children from Administrative Indoctrination in Texas Schools

Radical administrators’ beliefs are seeping into classrooms where children are being indoctrinated with Critical Race Theory and radical gender ideology. This kind of manipulation must stop.

Add your name to show that Texans DO NOT support the corruption and indoctrination of Children. Sign Now. >>>

Protecting Texas Children 

The news is full of stories about school administrators pushing radical beliefs onto children — even those as young as kindergarten age.

It’s enough to make any parent worried. That’s why we’re conducting this state-wide poll —  because we think that childhood innocence is something worth protecting with all of our might.

For too long bureaucrats have dictated how your tax dollars are spent and how your child is educated. Texans must hold their education system accountable. It’s time for administrators to stop influencing children through their personal politics and beliefs.

Who is the Texas Public Policy Foundation? 

The Foundation’s mission is to promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and the nation by educating and affecting policymakers and the Texas public policy debate with academically sound research and outreach.

Funded by thousands of individuals, foundations, and corporations, the Foundation does not accept government funds or contributions to influence the outcomes of its research.

The public is demanding a different direction for their government, and the Texas Public Policy Foundation is providing the ideas that enable policymakers to chart that new course.

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit, a non-partisan research institute.