TPPF stands for rights of short-term rental owners and guests

This court has long protected the notion that a person’s home is their castle, whether they be an owner, tenant, or guest. TPPF seeks this court’s protection against infringement of short-term rental owners and guests’ most personal, constitutionally protected rights to privacy, assembly, association, freedom from unreasonable searches, due course of law, and equal protection all infringed upon by Austin’s short-term rental ordinance. Appellants have toiled to build their short-term rental endeavors and enjoyed the liberty to provide a peaceful home for their tenants and guests. None of the appellants have ever had a complaint made against them related to their short-term rental, nor does the data show that short-term rentals within the City of Austin present a public nuisance. As such, the appellate court should protect our clients’ rights to economic liberty through operation of their short-term rental as protected by the equal protection and due course of law provisions of the Texas Constitution.

Press Release March 30, 2018