Trump Executive Order Major Step in Preserving and Strengthening Families

AUSTIN – Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order aimed at strengthening the American child welfare system. “President Trump’s executive order is a major step forward in creating a more compassionate child welfare system that preserves and strengthens families,” said Andrew Brown, distinguished senior fellow of child and family policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. “It...

Press Release June 25, 2020

TPPF Applauds Sen. Braun’s Bill to Reform Qualified Immunity for Police

Today, Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind.) unveiled a bill to reform qualified immunity for law enforcement. The Reforming Qualified Immunity Act would increase accountability across the board. “Long-lasting, meaningful reform starts with fixing qualified immunity to protect the rights of citizens secured by the Constitution while protecting good police officers,” said Dr. Derek Cohen, policy director of...

Press Release June 23, 2020

Austin Ordinance Disrespects Citizens and Harms the Community

As Austin’s new ordinance restricting the rights of citizens across the city goes into full effect today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Executive Director Kevin Roberts released the following statement:   “Austin city officials have consistently redefined public health goals to justify unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the actions of citizens. Austin is not and has never been close to seeing our health care system...

Press Release June 23, 2020

TPPF Applauds Trump Administration Action to Curb Widespread Abuse of U.S. Asylum System

Nearly a year after the Texas Public Policy Foundation issued its report “Towards a 21st Century Asylum System” and formed a Border Security Coalition calling for “decisive U.S. Executive and Legislative action to update the asylum system and reduce the massive backlog of cases faced by overwhelmed immigration courts”, the organization’s leadership welcomed the Trump...

Press Release June 15, 2020