Former Lt. Gov. John Sanchez Joins Border Security Coalition

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation announced a major new addition to its Border Security Coalition: former New Mexico Lt. Gov. John Sanchez. He joins a rapidly growing cast of state and national civic leaders, border security experts and activists working against human trafficking.   “Former New Mexico Lt. Gov. John Sanchez will bring to our coalition a wealth of valuable experience on the southwest border and a heart for advocacy...

Press Release October 13, 2021

Dr. Carol Swain Joins TPPF as Distinguished Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation announced that Dr. Carol Swain, highly accomplished professor formerly at Vanderbilt University and Princeton University, has joined the Foundation as Distinguished Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies. Swain has extensive experience in American politics, race relations, and immigration reform, having held political appointments in the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations. In 2011, she founded the Be The People Project to educate Americans about conservative values and...

Press Release October 8, 2021

Reversing the Recovery: How President Biden’s “Build Back Better” Plan Raises Taxes, Kills Jobs and Punishes the Middle Class

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Committee to Unleash Prosperity released new research focusing on the most recent federal spending proposal (the “Build Back Better plan”), revealing the disastrous effects it would have on the American economy. Rather than allowing the economy to recover from the effects of Covid-19, the plan would crush the middle class...

Press Release October 6, 2021

TPPF: Businesses Should Not Comply with Biden’s Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation released the following statement in defiance of President Biden’s new rule that mandates private businesses with more than 100 employees require their employees get vaccinated from the COVID-19 virus:  “Employers should refuse to comply with President Biden’s unconstitutional national vaccine mandate,” said TPPF’s CEO Kevin Roberts. “The federal government has...

Press Release September 9, 2021

TPPF: Health Care Price Controls Have Unintended Consequences

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation condemned the newly unveiled plan from the Biden administration to “negotiate” for lower drug prices in Medicare, an approach that will almost certainly involve price controls on prescription drugs. Such an approach by the White House ignores the long track record of unintended consequences from previous price control measures and will result in limited patient access and increased...

Press Release September 9, 2021

TPPF: Texas Leads on Border Security Where Feds Fail

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation praised the Texas Legislature for passing a historic boost to state border security funding, while lamenting the fact that it was necessary due to the federal government’s catastrophic failure to secure the border.   “The Legislature has stepped up to provide much-needed resources to address the crisis at our southern border,” said TPPF’s CEO Kevin Roberts....

Press Release September 2, 2021