Conservative Groups to Texas Lawmakers:…

Fourteen conservative groups from around the nation today called on the Texas Legislature to hold the line on spending, protect the rainy day fund, and avoid going the way of states like California. The groups—including  the 60-Plus Association; the American Legislative Exchange Council; Americans for Prosperity-Texas; Americans for Tax Reform, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste; Grassroots America We the People; Institute for Policy Innovation; National Taxpayers Union; Texas Eagle Forum; Texans for Fiscal Responsibility; Texas Legislature’s TEA Party Caucus Advisory Committee; Texas Public Policy Action; Texas Public Policy Foundation; and the Young Conservatives of Texas—call on lawmakers to remain true to the state’s conservative principles, the same principles that have helped transform Texas into an economic juggernaut. To stay on course, the coalition’s letter recommends that “…: the Legislature should neither exceed the state's spending limit—by any amount—nor should dollars be removed from the state's Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) to pay for ongoing government expenses or new programs.” In other words, keep spending growth within reason and don’t spend the state’s savings account on new or ongoing programs. Whether or not lawmakers take this advice is yet to be seen, but one thing’s for sure: lots and lots of groups with a vested interest in Texas are watching closely to see what happens next.

Press Release May 10, 2013

TPPF releases new study “Analysis of the Science in the Whooping Crane Decision: The Aransas Project v. Shaw”

The Texas Public Policy Foundation today released Analysis of the Science in the Whooping Crane Decision: The Aransas Project v. Shaw. The study is authored by eminent scientist Lee Wilson, Ph.D., who brings more than 40 years’ experience in water resources and environmental science. Among his many credentials, Wilson has been qualified in Federal Court as an expert on the Endangered Species Act and consulted for Environmental Protection Agency for 27 years regarding water, wetland, and coastal resources in Texas and Louisiana.

Press Release May 9, 2013

Texas Ranked #1 State for Business

More than 700 CEOs from around the nation agree: Texas is the best state for business. Again. For the ninth consecutive year, Chief Executive magazine’s annual Best & Worst Statessurvey ranked Texas as the top state to do business, giving the state particular praise for its “business climate, employee work ethics and living environment.” For those familiar with the Texas Model of governance—low taxes and spending, predictable regulatory climate, and a sound civil justice system—it’s been this public policy philosophy that’s really been the lynchpin of Texas’ success. "This year's rankings prove that smart policies result in increased investments, jobs and greater overall economic activity," said Marshall Cooper, CEO of Chief Executive magazine and Not surprisingly, CEOs ranked California as the worst state for business, remarking that: “You cannot sustain economic strength with power only generated by wind farms and people working in fast food restaurants. Unless we all want to retreat to life in caves, you need power you can count on when the wind doesn’t blow and employment in businesses that produce both products of true value and wealth for their workforce.”

Press Release May 7, 2013