TPPF Defends Red River Landowners From Armed Searches

The Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) today filed a response to the Bureau of Land Managements motion to compel access to property owned by TPPF’s clients in Aderholt, et al. v. Bureau of Land Management, et. al. TPPF’s Center for the American Future represents individual property owners, the counties of Wichita, Clay, and Wilbarger, and the Clay County Sheriff in the lawsuit challenging the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) unconstitutional and arbitrary seizure of thousands of acres of private property along the Red River in Texas.

Press Release October 20, 2016

Texas Attorney General Intervenes in TPPF & Goldwater Institute Lawsuit to Halt Taxpayer-Funded Union Employees Agreement

The Texas Attorney General today filed a plea in intervention in Pulliam, et. al. v. City of Austin, et. al., a lawsuit filed by the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) and Goldwater Institute challenging the City’s labor agreement with Austin Firefighters Association, Local 975. The lawsuit, filed last month, seeks  to halt the practice of “release time” also known as “association business leave,” and “union leave,” which assigns city employees to work for the union at taxpayer expense. The agreement violates the Texas Constitution “gift clause” provision that prohibits government from giving taxpayer funds to private entities without a public purpose.   

Press Release October 18, 2016

TODAY: TPPF’s the Honorable Kent Grusendorf to Testify on Parental Choice

Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Education Freedom Senior Fellow the Honorable Kent Grusendorf will give invited testimony before the Texas House Committee on Public Education TODAY, Monday, October 17 at 9:00 am CDT in room E2.036 of the Texas State Capitol to consider interim charges related to increasing parental choice in education, reviewing the successes and failures of school choice programs in other states, and examining the benefits and costs of implementing such a program in Texas.

Press Release October 17, 2016