The Texas Public Policy Foundation is pleased to announce that roughly one year after forming the Border Security Coalition, the group has doubled in size. In recent months the coalition has added several former members of Congress, conservative leaders representing activists across the country and the former director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan.

In the past year members of the coalition have advised national policymakers, met with local officials along the border, received briefings on human trafficking and drug smuggling prevention operations, and organized an extensive tour of new portions of the southern wall in construction.

“Texas has an enormous stake in whether or not our country has effective border security,” said Texas Public Policy Foundation Executive Director Kevin Roberts, Ph.D. “The coalition was created for the sole purpose of finding a solution to secure the southern border of the United States. The growth of the coalition’s signatories shows the support for common-sense policies that will have measurable and meaningful impact.”

Members of the coalition include:

  • Kevin Roberts, Ph.D. – Executive Director, Texas Public Policy Foundation
  • John Hostettler – Former Chairman, House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims
  • Tom Homan – Former Director, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
  • Jenny Beth Martin – President, Tea Party Patriots
  • Gary Bauer – President, American Values
  • Ed Corrigan – Executive Director, Conservative Partnership Institute
  • Bob McEwen – Former Member, House Select Committee on Intelligence
  • Jim DeMint – Former Chairman, Senate Steering Committee
  • Lamar Smith – Former Chairman, House Judiciary Committee
  • Sergio de la Peña – Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Wester Hemisphere Affairs
  • James Jay Carafano, Ph.D. – Vice President, Heritage Foundation
  • David Bozell – President, For America
  • Dave Brat – Former Member, House Freedom Caucus
  • Quico Canseco – Former Member, House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
  • J. Kenneth Blackwell – Former U.S. Ambassador, United Nations Human Rights Commission
  • Adam Brandon – President, FreedomWorks
  • Jim Martin – Chairman, 60 Plus Association
  • Terry Schilling – Executive Director, American Principles Project
  • Saul Anuzis – President, 60 Plus Association
  • George Landrith – President, Frontiers of Freedom
  • Shannon Martinez – President, Shannon Speaks and Human Trafficking Survivor
  • Maria Espinoza – National Director, The Remembrance Project
  • Blanquita Cullum – Member, Voices Against Trafficking
  • Mark Meckler – President, Citizens for Self-Governance
  • Sandy Rios – Director of Governmental Affairs, American Family Association
  • Noel Thomas – CEO, Zero Trafficking
  • Preston Noell III – President, Tradition, Family, Prosperity