The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s CEO Kevin Roberts released the following statement on the close of Texas’s 87th regular legislative session:  

“The Texas legislative session is incomplete. Several critical goals, such as election integrity, taxpayer-funded lobbying, and bail reform, went unaddressed. Those issues and others are important enough for the Governor to call an immediate special session and for the Legislature to reconvene and finish its work.  

“The fact that our Legislature can accomplish important, substantive reforms in just a few months every two years is generally a source of Texas pride. This year we failed. We failed not because of a lack of will or commitment by the majority of legislators, but because a few members of the House cynically and childishly manipulated legislative procedure to delay a vote. Worse, their obstruction targeted reform that is supported by more than 80% of Texans.  Policymakers should not be deterred.  

“TPPF strongly encourages the Legislature to stay close, finish the job, and demonstrate to the country that Texas is indeed the model of strong conservative leadership.”