AUSTIN, TX—The Texas Public Policy Foundation today released a paper by Center for Higher Education Director Dr. Thomas Lindsay on unconstitutional restrictions on free speech and debate at universities in Texas and the nation. The paper, “Free to Learn? Think Again,” examines policies that suppress the First Amendment rights of students and makes recommendations on how to restore the First Amendment on Texas public university campuses. 

            “Across the country, there has been a plethora of news accounts exposing unconstitutional restrictions on free speech and debate on college campuses,” said Dr. Lindsay. “A nationwide survey shows that the majority of American universities have enacted policies that unconstitutionally suppress the First Amendment rights of students and faculty. Our colleges and universities, whose defining mission is the free, nonpartisan quest for truth, are instead becoming prisons of conformism, devoid of the Socratic vision from which liberal education originated. Texas is no exception to these unhappy national findings. Fifteen Texas universities have been found to have enacted speech codes that are unconstitutional. The boards of trustees of Texas public universities should act to restore this basic right to students and faculty.”

To read the full publication, please visit:

Dr. Tom Lindsay is director of the Centers for 10th Amendment Action and Higher Education at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin, Texas.

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