Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Better Tech for Tomorrow campaign released new research on giving Texans the right to repair their own property. Giving consumers true ownership and control over how to use, modify, and fix their personal property is a crucial step toward unraveling this reality—best accomplished through a right to repair.

“America was founded on a fundamental right to and respect for property. When manufacturers engineer hurdles to the use and enjoyment of personal property, including the right to repair, they violate the basic tenants of freedom and liberty. A right to repair framework recalibrates this and promotes personal property rights, gives consumers more choices, and unleashes economic growth,” said TPPF’s Zach Whiting.

“It is true: ‘they just don’t make ‘em like they used to.’ In today’s consumptive world, it is easier to just throw out than to repair things. And that is by design. When manufacturers design for obsolescence and erect barriers to repairs, consumers lose. That’s a big reason why Texas should enact a comprehensive right to repair—to give consumers true ownership over their goods,” says TPPF’s Greyson Gee.

Read the research paper here.

Watch the latest episode of The Rebel Tech Podcast on Right To Repair.

Watch our Quick Take on the Right to Repair.

Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit free-market research institute based in Austin that aims to foster human flourishing by protecting and promoting liberty, opportunity, and personal responsibility.