AUSTIN –Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) policy experts are available to discuss all aspects of policy change in the new Presidential Administration as they pertain to the Foundation’s longstanding work in free-market and liberty-oriented policy.

Experts and issue areas include:

  • Dr. Deane Waldman, Director of the Center for Health Care Policy, which promotes a competitive private health care market with choice for consumers, lower prices, and improved quality.
  • Chip Roy, Director of the Center for Tenth Amendment Action, which works to restore the Constitutional balance between the states and the federal government.
  • The Honorable Kathleen Hartnett White, Distinguished Senior Fellow-in-Residence and Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy & the Environment, which champions market-based stewardship of natural resources and provides principled solutions to environmental challenges.
  • The Honorable Robert Henneke, General Counsel and Director of the Center for the American Future, which works to advance Tenth Amendment principles through opposition to federal abuse and overreach in the areas of environmental, private property, and business autonomy rights. The Center represents clients whose lives and liberty are threatened by federal-government action in defiance of the Constitution.
  • The Honorable Doug Domenech, Director of the Fueling Freedom Project, which supports state and national efforts to oppose the Clean Power Plan.
  • Dr. Tom Lindsay, Director of the Center for Higher Education, which champions a system of higher education that is academically rigorous, affordable, accessible, and transparent.
  • Bill Peacock, Vice President of Research and Director of the Center for Economic Freedom, which focuses on free market principles, supporting competition and consumer choice, and limiting government interference and regulation.
  • Stephanie Matthews, Senior Policy Analyst in the Center for Education Freedom, which is at the forefront of the debate on school choice and K-12 education funding and reform.
  • Marc Levin, Director of the Center for Effective Justice, which focuses on solutions for reducing adult and juvenile crime and costs to taxpayers, empowering and restoring crime victims, and limiting the scope of criminal law.
  • The Honorable Talmadge Heflin, Director of the Center for Fiscal Policy, which works to keep Texas competitive by advancing the Texas Model of low taxes, limited government, and a fair legal climate.
  • Brandon J. Logan, J.D., CWLS, Director of the Center for Families and Children, which focuses on family and child-welfare policy in the Lone Star State. The center’s priorities include encouraging policy-makers to reduce trauma for children in state care, to keep families intact whenever possible, and to engage community organizations in foster care.
  • James Quintero, Director of the Center for Local Governance, which focuses on helping cities, counties, and school districts overcome their most pressing public policy challenges using best practices, efficiency, and transparency.

To schedule an interview with a TPPF expert, please contact Caroline Espinosa at [email protected] or 512-472-2700. 

Registration for the 2017 Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature is now open to media and the public! 

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin, Texas.

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