AUSTIN— Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation published the paper Constitutional Amendment Election: November 2019.

“This November, Texas voters will have the chance to approve or reject 10 constitutional amendments that cover a wide range of topics including everything from tax policy to infrastructure funding to restrictions on officeholders and more,” said Think Local Liberty’s James Quintero. “In order for an amendment to become a part of the Texas Constitution, it needs to receive a simple majority of the votes in favor of the proposition.”

“Early voting begins on Monday, Oct. 21, and this report will help voters to make informed decisions about the proposed constitutional amendments,” said Shelby Sterling, policy analyst with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Key Points:

  • Voters will consider 10 constitutional amendments on November 5, 2019.
  • The proposed amendments cover a wide range of different subject matter areas, including tax policy, infrastructure funding, restrictions on officeholders, and more.
  • An amendment only becomes part of the Texas Constitution if it receives a simple majority of the votes in favor of the proposition.

To read the report in full, please visit: