AUSTIN — President Biden announced new actions on the border today, though those actions are too little, too late.

The order seeks to “bar migrants who cross our southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum.” In a strongly worded press release, the White House asserted that President Biden has “acted to secure our border,” though all of his actions until today only incentivized illegal immigration into the United States.

“Today’s announcement is intended to secure media headlines, not the border,” said Selene Rodriguez, campaign director for Secure & Sovereign Texas. “The executive order does nothing to end the release of inadmissible aliens using CBP One at ports of entry and does not enforce existing U.S. law between ports of entry. Perhaps the largest loophole is that it does not account for the hundreds of thousands of gotaways that evade contact with law enforcement. While we support any action that ends catch and release policies, today’s executive order doesn’t come close to truly addressing the issue, again reinforcing he cares more about manipulating the media in an election year than the security and safety of the American people.”

“Limiting illegal entries to 2,500 a day is political theater,” said former U.S. Border Chief and TPPF Senior Fellow Rodney Scott. “Immigration policies that allow the current lawlessness to continue are not going to discourage foreign nationals from attempting to illegally enter our country. If we cannot control who and what enters our national home, any sense of safety is a façade.”

This administration unleashed the crisis we have been facing at the border, and today’s announcement does not erase or correct four years of neglect and malfeasance. To read more on today’s executive order, click here.

