Today, 10 members of the Texas Senate filed legislation to stop tax dollars from going to lobbyists. As introduced, Senate Bill 10 prohibits cities and counties from spending public money “to directly or indirectly influence or attempt to influence the outcome of any legislation pending before the legislature” while making clear that local government officials and employees may still participate in the legislative process. SB 10 is the third bill filed to end the practice.

“Taxpayers should not foot the bill for lobbyists who advocate against their interests. It’s wrong and unethical,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “Tax dollars should pay for the core functions of government, not fund high-priced lobbyists whose job it is to argue for higher taxes, more spending, and bigger bureaucracies. It’s time for Texas lawmakers to end this misuse of public money.”

For more on Senate Bill 10, click here.