Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation announced a groundbreaking research effort in understanding immigration to the United States. The Mexican Migration Project does what no other research has attempted to this level of detail: examine the in-Mexico origins of Mexican nationals in the United States. With Mexican Americans the leading cohort of the Hispanic populations transforming American civics, this project is a long-overdue step in understanding that transformation and its origins.

“The Mexican Migration Project began with a simple question: which Mexicans go where in the United States? Most U.S. public discourse is centered upon the number of Mexican migrants entering the country, but rarely on where they go, or where they came from,” said TPPF Chief of Intelligence and Research Joshua Treviño. “Mexico’s tremendous heterogeneity — cultural, ethnic, linguistic, religious, and beyond — means we cannot understand Mexicans as a singular and monolithic population. This research is an important first step to understanding the cultural and political impact of the migrants that come from each Mexican state, and their effects on American public life.”

This research was undertaken in cooperation with Patria Unida. To learn more, please click here.