AUSTIN, Texas – With less than a month left in the 78th Legislative Session, Texas Public Policy Foundation President Brooke Leslie Rollins said at a press conference today that legislators should be encouraged to think innovatively about the challenges facing education:

“As we raise the bar in Texas public schools and tighten education budgets, we must encourage legislators to give schools innovative programs and increased flexibility to help children learn more, and better. Children should be given the opportunity to succeed. Texans owe Chairman Kent Grusendorf and the House Public Education Committee great thanks for providing open debate in exploring new ideas for Texas’ schools. Chairman Grusendorf and his committee are doing what Texans want: putting children and teachers before partisan politics.”

Also participating in the press conference, organized by the Texas Citizens for a Sound Economy, were:

  • Alliance for Sound Education Policy
  • Texas Citizen Action Network
  • Texas Association of Business
  • Texas Justice Foundation
  • National Federation of Independent Business
  • Texas HELP
  • Texas Hispanic Advocate
  • Black Alliance for Educational Opportunity
  • Texas Women’s Alliance
