AUSTIN – Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation unveiled the 2015-16 “Legislator’s Guide to the Issues” a series of recommendations to the 84th Texas Legislature that will keep Texas at the forefront of liberty, prosperity, and economic growth.
“The Texas Model of low spending and taxes, a low level of regulation, a fair and accessible civil justice system, and a lack of reliance on federal funds is the reason Texas’ economy has dominated in the last decade,” said TPPF Executive Director Arlene Wohlgemuth. “The seventh edition of the Legislator’s Guide to the Issues keeps our commitment to freedom in meeting the challenges we face today. By following these recommendations, the Texas Legislature can keep Texas at the forefront of liberty, job creation, and quality of life. We do not formulate these recommendations solely for the sake of doing so, but to advance freedom, opportunity, and the well-being of every Texan”
The five themes of the 2015-16 “Legislator’s Guide to the Issues” recommendations are:

    • Turn the Tide on State & Local Government Spending.
    • Improve the Quality, Access, & Affordability of Health Care in Texas.
    • Provide Greater Choice & Efficiency in Texas Education.
    • Rely on Market Competition to Improve Texas’ Economy & Environment.
    • Restore & Protect our Justice System. 


Specific policy recommendations for each of these topics are available in the full “Legislator’s Guide to the Issues” here:

The Foundation’s 2015-16 Legislator's Guide to the Issues, the seventh edition of this popular desk reference on Texas policy, is a distillation of the knowledge the Foundation has developed from its many years of research on the key issues facing the Texas Legislature. Each entry provides a quick overview of the topic, with footnotes that point readers to additional resources. The Legislator's Guide to the Issues is available for download on the Foundation’s website.

The Honorable Arlene Wohlgemuth is the executive director and director of the Center for Health Care Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She served 10 years in the Texas House of Representatives, specializing in health care issues.

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin, Texas.

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