AUSTIN  – The Texas Public Policy Foundation yesterday hosted a briefing in advance of today’s oral arguments before the D.C. Circuit Court in State of West Virginia, et al. v. EPA. The briefing previewed the key legal arguments before the en banc panel regarding EPA’s authority to regulate the nation’s power generating industry under the Clean Power Plan (CPP). Issues include constitutional challenges striking at the heart of the CPP, focusing on EPA’s usurpation of state powers to regulate the use of in-state natural resources, and its attempt to rewrite the Clean Air Act to suit its overarching goal of regulating CO2 emissions.

To watch the full video, please visit:

In State of West Virginia, et al. v. EPA, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 28 states and over 120 companies and organizations challenged the EPA’s Clean Power Plan rules, which seek to regulate emissions from new and existing coal-fired power plants. TPPF’s Center for the American Future and the Pacific Legal Foundation jointly submitted an amicus brief in the case.

To schedule an interview with Mr. Henneke or Mr. Hadzi-Antich please contact Elizabeth Lincicome at [email protected] or 919-744-8087.