This week, President Trump signed an executive order directing agencies to use emergency authority to rapidly identify regulations that can be rescinded or waived to promote job creation and economic growth.

“President Trump’s executive order will result in the unprecedented contraction of the Administrative State,” said John Hostettler, vice president of federal affairs for the States Trust initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. “This order recognizes that bureaucratic hurdles, by nature, impede progress and recovery during times of national distress and compels agencies to examine and rescind regulations which no longer secure the prosperity and blessings of liberty to all Americans.”

The executive order provides that the federal government operates as one “for the people” by:

  1. Requiring agencies to accelerate procedures by which an American, who is potentially subject to enforcement by an agency, shall receive a pre-enforcement ruling and,
  2. If that American has worked in reasonable good faith to conform to government regulation, the agency is to decline enforcement against their fellow American.
  3. Also, including what amounts to a “Regulatory Bill of Rights” to finally establish true justice in the enforcement and adjudication of regulations by
    1. The presumption of innocence until proven guilty
    2. The realization and practical application of the precept that justice delayed is justice denied
    3. The separation of powers between the adjudicative and enforcement functions of agencies
    4. Full disclosure and transparency
    5. Equal protection under the law
    6. The penalty commensurate with the infraction, etc.