Today, Life:Powered, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, sent a letter to Congress in response to an alarmist report from the United Nations  designed to instill fear and promote bad policy decisions. Congress must stand in the gap and stop a climate alarmist agenda from continuing to exacerbate inflation and high energy prices.

The U.N. report makes unrealistic recommendations that fulfill the desires of globalist elites, and will plunge developed nations back into the Stone Age while keeping developing nations from ever getting out of poverty. Congress must advocate for common sense energy policies that lower costs and put the energy needs of Americans first.

“The United States is a world leader in clean air. We are the most responsible energy producer in the world, and over the past five decades, we have decreased criteria air pollutants by 78%,” said Life:Powered Director Jason Isaac. “This report is nothing more than a means to enable greater government control over our energy supply and concentrate power in the hands of fewer people. Congress must reject this agenda, rather than worsening inflation and high energy prices that are hurting Americans.”

To read the full letter, please click here.