WASHINGTON D.C.—The Border Security Coalition announced the addition of former Congressman Dave Brat (R-VA) to its conglomerate of conservative leaders and organizations that have banded together to prioritize border security as the essential first step before other changes to U.S. immigration law can be made.

The Coalition, spearheaded by the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF), the leading public policy center in the state most affected by this year’s crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border, was launched last month and coincides with TPPF research that documents systemic weaknesses in how the federal government both addresses and measures border security.

Brat, who is currently dean of the School of Business at Liberty University and who previously served two terms in Congress after defeating former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a Republican primary in which the candidates’ different approaches to immigration policy played a large role, said the formation of the Border Security Coalition is an encouraging development in the effort to “get immigration policy right.”

“Given the awful magnitude of the crisis experienced along our border this year, changes to our immigration laws need to be predicated not only upon gaining operational control across all sectors, but also ensuring that the massive abuse of our asylum system is put to a stop once and for all,” said Brat. “Both the administration and Congress need to feel the heat, and get the job done,” he emphasized.

The Border Security Coalition is currently comprised of 15 top national conservative leaders and organizations with tens of millions of supporters nationwide. In addition to the Texas Public Policy Foundation, these leaders and organizations include the Heritage Foundation, FreedomWorks, For America, Citizens for Self-Governance, former House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith and Conservative Partnership Institute President Jim DeMint.