The Texas Education Agency has revitalized the state school system through HB 1605. The legislation strengthened parental rights, ensured school materials were age appropriate, and directed TEA to establish a set of state-owned curriculum. Here’s what policymakers, experts, and the media are saying about the recently published high-quality instructional material from TEA:

“We, the undersigned members of the Texas House of Representatives, wholeheartedly endorse the recently released curriculum and instructional supports from the Texas Education Agency.” – 59 Members of the Texas House

“The legislation establishes a standard for high-quality instructional materials that are available to all Texas school districts, and once implemented, will provide much needed relief to teachers by eliminating the need to spend dozens of hours outside of the classroom developing curriculum.” – State Sen. Brandon Creighton, R-Conroe, chair of the Texas Senate Committee on Education and State Rep. Brad Buckley, R-Salado, chair of the Texas House Committee on Public Education.

“Last year, the Texas Legislature passed and I signed a law that directed the Texas Education Agency to purchase and develop instructional materials that will bring students back to the basics of education and provide the necessary fundamentals in math, reading, science, and other core subjects. The materials will also allow our students to better understand the connection of history, art, community, literature, and religion on pivotal events like the signing of the U.S. Constitution, the Civil Rights Movement, and the American Revolution. I thank the TEA for their work to ensure our students receive a robust educational foundation to succeed so that we can build a brighter Texas for generations to come.” – Governor Greg Abbott 

“There’s no such thing as a silver bullet in public education; you still need very skilled teachers who love kids and know their content…But if you’re starting from this, this set of instructional materials, you’re starting from a very strong foundation.” – TEA Commissioner Mike Morath

“Temple ISD Superintendent Bobby Ott, whose schools piloted the instructional materials, said the lessons “’led to double-digit gains in the percentage of our students reading on grade-level.’”

“The teaching materials ‘represent a major step forward in giving our students access to rich reading lessons that integrate history, literature, science, and the arts, while ensuring students receive instruction grounded in phonics and the science of teaching reading,’ Ott said in a statement.” – The Dallas Morning News

“’[W]e want to make sure that Texas schools have access to rigorous phonics instruction in the earliest grades that is aligned with our state standards, which requires phonics.’”

“Morath added that the new curriculum will include instructional materials for teachers that are based on cognitive science to support the use of phonics.

“Speaking with The Texan about the new curriculum offering, Morath explained how students will be exposed to grade-level appropriate material like William Shakespeare, the Italian Renaissance, Greek philosophy, and Texas history as a way to “build a rich vocabulary and knowledge of the world…”

“Morath said the curriculum has been piloted in multiple Texas towns and has resulted in improved reading scores from students, with parents and teachers alike having said that it “is clearly pushing kids to think and grow in ways that does not often happen, which is greatly appreciated.” – The Texan