TPPF Applauds Legislation Providing Education Savings Accounts for Children with Special Needs

Texas Public Policy Foundation’s (TPPF) Dr. Kevin Roberts, executive vice president of TPPF, and Stephanie Matthews, senior policy advisor with the Center for Education Freedom at TPPF, issued the following statements on the Texas Senate passage of House Bill 21, as amended, relating to establishment of an education savings accounts (ESAs) for children with special needs.

Press Release May 22, 2017

TPPF Files Liberty v. EPA Petition to Reverse Obama-Era Endangerment Finding for Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The Texas Public Policy Foundation today filed a petition with the Environmental Protection Agency challenging the EPA’s 2009 endangerment finding designating man-made greenhouse gas emissions as a danger to human health and welfare. Along with Liberty Packing Company LLC, TPPF represents a coalition of construction, trucking, energy, logging, and manufacturing small businesses as petitioners seeking reconsideration of the EPA regulation.

Press Release May 2, 2017

ICYMI: TPPF and R Street Institute Release Study on the Impact of a Border-Adjustment Tax on the Texas Insurance Market

Lars Powell, Ian Adams and R.J. Lehmann, each of the R Street Institute, along with the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF), released a new study entitled “Impact of a Border-Adjustment Tax on the Texas Insurance Market” that outlines the economic cost Texas might face if Congress adopts a border-adjustment tax (BAT) that does not follow the almost universal international practice of exempting financial services like reinsurance from similar taxes.

Press Release May 1, 2017

TPPF Releases Updated Comparison of GOP Healthcare Bill to Obamacare

The Texas Public Policy Foundation today released an analysis of the latest revisions to the American Health Care Act as well as an updated side-by-side chart comparing the bill’s current iteration to both its initial draft and Obamacare. The memo, addressed to the Texas Congressional delegation, shows that despite the good faith efforts made by some to improve the bill, there remains myriad policy shortcomings, including retention of Obamacare’s costly regulations and mandates as the default federal law.

Press Release May 1, 2017