TPPF Applauds President’s Statement to Repeal Obamacare

Texas Public Policy Foundation applauds President Donald Trump’s statement to fully repeal and replace Obamacare. A full and immediate repeal of Obamacare – a long-awaited promise from leaders in Washington, D.C. – and return of healthcare authority to the states is the best way to solve this policy dilemma. Chip Roy, director of the Center for Tenth Amendment Action at TPPF, issued the following statement:

Press Release June 30, 2017

Top Guidelines for Outcomes-Based Funding for Texas Universities

Texas Public Policy Foundation today released a paper on outcomes-based funding for universities, by Trevor McGuire, policy analyst with the Center for Tenth Amendment Action at TPPF. The paper, “Guidelines for Outcomes-based Funding at Four-year Universities,” outlines top four guidelines to implementing this funding model: adopt simplicity, leave room for error and experimentation, anticipate date limitations, and learn from others' experiences.

Press Release June 29, 2017

Endangered Species Act an Inefficient Tool for Protecting Endangered Species

The Texas Public Policy Foundation today released a paper on the Endangered Species Act by Megan Ingram, policy analyst with the Armstrong Center for Energy & the Environment at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The paper, “The Endangered Species Act in Texas: A Survey and History”, provides an overview of the Endangered Species Act as a policy tool, a survey of key species in Texas, and guidance reform. 

Press Release June 26, 2017

Opt-in Option the way to Fulfill Obamacare Repeal Promise

Today, The Texas Public Policy Foundation released a paper on repealing Obamacare by Drew White, senior federal policy analyst with the Center for Tenth Amendment Action at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The paper, “Unity Through Federalism: Repealing Obamacare’s Regulations and Providing an Opt-In for the States,” argues that reversing the state waiver from an opt-out to an opt-in approach is the only chance Congress has to salvage both its credibility and America’s battered healthcare system.

Press Release June 21, 2017