Congressional review act provides opportunity to strike excessive regulations

The Texas Public Policy Foundation today released a paper on the Congressional Review Act by Ryan Walters, attorney with the Center for the American Future at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The paper, “The Undervaluation of the Congressional Review Act,” explores how the U.S. Congress and President could use the Congressional Review Act to nullify unnecessary federal rules and regulations.

Press Release July 28, 2017

TPPF releases ad against government collection of union dues

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation released a radio ad calling for the end of government collection of union dues. The ad identifies ending the practice of dues collection by state and local government entities as a part of comprehensive conservative reform that is possible during this special legislative session. It is currently playing in Austin and will soon be on the air in other key Texas markets.

Press Release July 24, 2017

TPPF statements regarding AG opinion on constitutionality of municipal tree ordinances

On Friday, in response to a request from Sen. Donna Campbell, the Office of the Attorney General  issued an advisory opinion regarding the constitutionality of tree preservation ordinances. The opinion states that if a municipality’s policy “operates to deny a property owner all economically beneficial or productive use of land, the ordinance will result in a taking that requires just compensation under article I, section 17 of the Texas Constitution.”

Press Release July 17, 2017