TPPF Announces New Research on Rural Pretrial Incarceration

Our research shows that rural pretrial incarceration has grown more than 400 percent since 1970. Possible reasons include the epidemic of opioids and other drugs, the inability of many defendants to afford high bail amounts, the reluctance of judges to release defendants on their own recognizance, and the lack of accessible treatment alternatives. Fortunately, our paper provides many solutions that policymakers can act on to ensure constitutional rights while also promoting public safety and reducing the burden on taxpayers.

Press Release June 5, 2018

TPPF challenges unconstitutional Texas family law statute

Any time government interjects itself into the family and parent-child relationship should be treated with great caution by the courts. The constitutional problem with this part of the Texas Family Code is that it allows CPS to seek judicial micromanagement of the family without adequate evidence of abuse or neglect. In our lawsuit, TPPF seeks to restore the minimal constitutional protections for families facing investigation.

Press Release May 8, 2018

Budget and school finance expert Kara Belew joins TPPF

Attracting the top talent in the policy world has long been a staple of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Hiring Kara Belew continues that tradition, as she is a leading authority on school finance reform, innovation in education, and making good policies for what is most important — our 6 million Texas schoolchildren. Kara will make a huge difference on policy, and therefore, on the lives of our children. We are privileged she has joined our team.

Press Release May 1, 2018

Austin faces billion-dollar pension crisis

Austin’s largest local retirement system is in serious trouble. By its own standards, the City of Austin Employees’ Retirement System’s unfunded liabilities totaled $1.3 billion in 2016, an increase of $875 million over 10 years. Under a more realistic set of standards, the pension debt is likely closer to $2.4 billion, and growing fast. That fiscal imbalance not only calls into question the long-term sustainability of the plan but also suggests that both taxpayers and retirees are in harm’s way under the status quo.

Press Release April 26, 2018

TPPF Joins Texas Comptroller, CPPP, and TexPIRG to Call for Greater Government Transparency

Texas once led the nation in government transparency, but today’s Texans are increasingly kept in the dark about how their government operates. This is especially true at the local level where economic development deals are negotiated behind closed doors, chambers of commerce are used to circumvent open government laws,  and important public information is kept out of reach. It’s time for lawmakers to revise the Public Information Act and return Texas to the top.  

Press Release April 26, 2018