Proposed $925 Million Bond Would Hurt Austin Affordability

Austin is in the throes of a government-induced affordability crisis and city council seems determined to make things worse. Trying to solve Austin’s affordability problem by going further into debt is the absolute wrong approach. That’s especially true given that the city’s debt already totals $9.8 billion and adding another $925 million in new debt will only push taxes higher for most Austin homeowners and businesses.

Press Release June 29, 2018

TPPF: Child Welfare Reform to Keep Families Intact Better for Kids

Most families come to the attention of state child welfare authorities because of neglect, not abuse. Neglect includes lack of food, clothing, shelter or medical care – conditions related more to poverty than parental fitness. The state should only get involved when the decisions of parents make great harm likely. This standard protects kids from truly negligent parents while giving parents and kids a chance to thrive.

Press Release June 28, 2018

Texas leads nation in job creation

This is another outstanding jobs report for Texans and for many Americans nationwide. Employers in most private-sector industries continued to hire at a robust pace across the Lone Star State. There continues to be indications that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that Congress passed last December contributed to more economic activity and job creation and near historic highs in business and consumer confidences. Also, early data indicate the reduction in state and local tax deductions supports faster job creation in low-tax states like Texas compared to high-tax states like California.

Press Release June 15, 2018

TPPF Releases Study on the High Cost of Renewable Energy Subsidies

Renewable energy subsidies have cost Texans more than $13 billion since 2006. But even more than that, they have harmed people and wildlife through the proliferation of wind turbines that never would have been built if not for the subsidies. Wind and solar generation are inefficient and simply can’t compete in the energy marketplace without subsidies. Texas policymakers need to be proactive in deciding how the next decade of energy policy will unfold.

Press Release June 13, 2018