TPPF’s Heflin to Testify on Property Tax Transparency

State law requires political subdivisions to provide only two items of information on the ballot for any given proposition: the amount their local government entity proposes to borrow and a general description of the purpose. Both are inadequate as the former does not properly convey the total cost of the bond while the latter often lacks specificity and is written in legalese. Missing from the ballot is any mention of the bond’s total repayment cost or how the passage of the bond might affect the average area resident’s pocketbook. This is basic information that every voter should know before voting Yea or Nay.

Press Release September 19, 2018

Coalition Files Amicus Brief in Support of TPPF’s Paid Sick Leave Lawsuit

Our clients welcome the support of this diverse, non-partisan San Antonio business coalition joining us to oppose the Austin mandatory paid sick leave ordinance. The perspective of these San Antonio business leaders explains how disruptive the Austin ordinance is to the business community even outside Austin’s city limits. As this amicus explains, the Austin ordinance is clearly preempted by Texas state law, and must be struck down.  

Press Release September 14, 2018

TPPF Releases “Legislator’s Guide to the Issues” Ahead of 86th Texas Legislative Session

This latest edition of the Legislator’s Guide is another example of the proactive and forward-looking policy engagement that the Texas Public Policy Foundation is known for. The mission of the Foundation is not only to advocate,  but to persuade—and that begins by providing Texas policy-makers and grassroots leaders with thorough analysis and insight into the most pressing issues facing Texans every day.  

Press Release September 14, 2018