TPPF Response to Adoption of School Finance Commission Report

AUSTIN— Today, the Texas Commission on Public School Finance adopted its final report that includes recommendations to the Texas Legislature. The report has ideas for property tax reform, repurposing existing taxpayer funding to improve student outcomes, and incenting school leaders to adopt practices that will improve student results. “Higher state or local taxes aren’t needed to improve student outcomes across...

Press Release December 19, 2018

Property Tax Abatements Helps Wealthy and Connected Businesses and Taxpayers at Other Texans’ Expense

AUSTIN— Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation published the paper, “Chapter 312 and 313 Property Tax Abatements Help Wealthy and Connected Businesses and Taxpayers at Other Texans’ Expense.” Local property tax abatements are often viewed as a positive part of the modern economic development process. This new paper from the Foundation examines the negative aspects...

Press Release December 13, 2018