TPPF Applauds Senate Committee Passage of Four Bills to Protect Employment Freedom

AUSTIN—The Texas Public Policy Foundation praises the Senate Committee on State Affairs’  passage of Senate Bills 2485, 2486, 2487, and 2488. These pieces of legislation will ensure consistency and uniformity in employment regulations and allow private employers and employees to operate in an economy where they can freely negotiate the terms of employment. “Texas has long had a reputation...

Press Release April 5, 2019

TPPF Publishes Paper Examining ERCOT’s Growth and Adaptation to New Markets

AUSTIN—Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation published the paper ERCOT’s Growth and Adaptation to New Markets: Generation Capacity, Renewable Energy Subsidies, and the Operating Reserve Demand Curve. “Renewable energy subsidies have brought increases in wind generation which lowered incentives to build the dispatchable generation that is needed to maintain reliability of the Texas electricity grid,”...

Press Release April 4, 2019

TPPF Commends Trump’s Free Speech Executive Order

AUSTIN—The Texas Public Policy Foundation commends President Trump’s executive order which protects the freedom of speech on college campuses by tying First Amendment protections to federal funding. Tom Lindsay, Ph.D., director of the Center for Innovation in Education, who attended the signing ceremony for the executive order, made the following statement: “President Trump’s executive order regarding free...

Press Release March 25, 2019

TPPF Publishes Perspective Analyzing Oklahoma’s District Attorney Supervision Programs

AUSTIN—Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Right on Crime initiative published the paper Oklahoma District Attorney Supervision: An Unpopular Patchwork Policy. “District attorney supervision is unique to Oklahoma and creates several issues pertaining to effectiveness, conflicts of interest, and appropriate funding of the prosecutorial branch of the judicial system,” said Joe Griffin, communications and policy...

Press Release March 20, 2019