TPPF: Affordable Baccalaureate Programs Provide Greater Socioeconomic Mobility for Texans

AUSTIN— Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation published the policy perspective Expanding the College Pricing Revolution: 2019 Update on the Texas Affordable Baccalaureate Program. “In the seven years following then-Gov. Rick Perry’s State of the State Address in which he called for the creation of affordable bachelor’s degree programs, Texas’ public universities have risen to...

Press Release April 25, 2019

TPPF: Renewable Energy Subsidies Expected to Cost Texas Taxpayers $36 Billion by 2029

AUSTIN— Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation published the policy perspective The Cost of Renewable Energy Subsidies in Texas. “Texas consumers and taxpayers are paying billions of dollars to support corporations who are relying on subsidies to profit from an otherwise profitless endeavor—generating electricity from the wind and sun,” said Bill Peacock, vice president of...

Press Release April 23, 2019

TPPF Applauds Texas Senate for Preliminary Passage of Employment Freedom Bills

AUSTIN—The Texas Public Policy Foundation applauds the Texas Senate for passing the two remaining employment freedom bills (SBs 2486 and 2488) that will protect employers’ and employees’ right to operate freely in the marketplace. If enacted, this legislative package will preempt onerous local regulations. “Today, the Texas Senate maintained a strong and clear stance on local control. State leaders will...

Press Release April 16, 2019

TPPF Publishes Perspective Examining Trauma to Children Through CPS Removal

AUSTIN—Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation published the policy perspectiveReducing Foster Care Trauma by Prioritizing the Use of Monitored Return. “As child welfare practice increasingly recognizes the trauma of removing children from their families, the system must explore new, innovative approaches that prioritize protecting children from harm and reducing the number of unnecessary removals,” said...

Press Release April 11, 2019