New Report Finds City Mandatory Paid Sick Leave Ordinances Will Have Detrimental Effect on Unemployment and the Local Economy

AUSTIN— A first-of-its kind report on mandatory paid sick leave policies finds that the ordinances have serious negative economic effects on employees, businesses, and the local economy. The report was included in an amicus brief filed by a coalition of San Antonio businesses in support of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s lawsuit against the City of Dallas’...

Press Release August 28, 2019

TPPF Statement on New Rule to Close Immigration Loopholes Within The Flores Settlement Agreement

AUSTIN—The Texas Public Policy Foundation released the following statement on the Trump Administration’s new rule to rectify existing loopholes within the Flores Settlement Agreement: “More than any other policy, the Flores Settlement Agreement is responsible for the practice of “catch and release” at the border, which has become a magnet for illegal immigration and a...

Press Release August 21, 2019

TPPF: Police Use of Force- Foresight Over Hindsight

AUSTIN— Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Right on Crime Initiative published the policy perspective, Police Use of Force: Foresight Over Hindsight. “Highly publicized use of force incidents can blemish the legitimacy of a police organization,” said Michael Hughes, senior visiting fellow with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. “These instances can create a wide chasm between officers and citizens. Most...

Press Release July 31, 2019

TPPF Files Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit Against City of Dallas

AUSTIN—Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of ESI/Employee Solutions, LP and Hagan Law Group LLC against the City of Dallas in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. The TPPF lawsuit alleges that the City’s Ordinance violates Plaintiffs’ constitutional rights of First Amendment freedom of association, Fourteenth...

Press Release July 30, 2019