Austin Ordinance Disrespects Citizens and Harms the Community

As Austin’s new ordinance restricting the rights of citizens across the city goes into full effect today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Executive Director Kevin Roberts released the following statement:   “Austin city officials have consistently redefined public health goals to justify unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the actions of citizens. Austin is not and has never been close to seeing our health care system...

Press Release June 23, 2020

TPPF Applauds Trump Administration Action to Curb Widespread Abuse of U.S. Asylum System

Nearly a year after the Texas Public Policy Foundation issued its report “Towards a 21st Century Asylum System” and formed a Border Security Coalition calling for “decisive U.S. Executive and Legislative action to update the asylum system and reduce the massive backlog of cases faced by overwhelmed immigration courts”, the organization’s leadership welcomed the Trump...

Press Release June 15, 2020

Right on Healthcare Expands to Sagamore Institute

The Texas Public Policy Foundation announced the expansion of its Right on Healthcare Initiative to the Sagamore Institute in Indiana. The partnership will amplify efforts to lower health care costs, increase access, and ensure every American is in charge of their own individual or family medical decisions. “The Sagamore Institute was formed to tackle difficult issues with civility and focus on solutions,” said Right on Healthcare’s Director David Balat. “This has...

Press Release June 11, 2020

TPPF: Jobs Report Good News for States Opening

Dr. Vance Ginn, former Chief Economist for the Office of Management and Budget and current Chief Economist for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, released the following statement regarding the Bureau of Labor Statistics recent jobs report: “Today’s jobs report is proof that the states phasing out government shutdowns are helping families and workers get back on track, while the states still on lockdown are...

Press Release June 5, 2020

Survey: Massive spike in concern over jobs and the economy as Texas slowly reopens

AUSTIN— Nearly one in three Texans now says unemployment and the economy are the most important issue in the state today, according to a new poll conducted by WPA Intelligence for the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Twenty-nine percent of likely voters in Texas say it is their top concern, jumping up 25 points from just 4 percent in January. It represents a major shift in public sentiment as jobs have become the top issue for...

Press Release June 4, 2020