TPPF: Address the Primary Care Crisis by Expanding Access to Direct Primary Care

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Right on Healthcare initiative published the paper Addressing the Primary Care Crisis by Expanding Access to Direct Primary Care. “Primary care providers are the vanguard of healthcare,” said Right on Healthcare Senior Fellow John O’Shea, M.D. “The decisions they make influence patient outcomes and experience as well as the cost and efficiency...

Press Release November 17, 2020

TPPF & YCT Challenge Constitutionality of Texas Tuition Rate for Out of State Students

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Young Conservatives of Texas Foundation against the University of North Texas. The lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of a state statute that requires out of state students to pay higher tuition rates as being preempted by federal law. “Today’s lawsuit is about ensuring the sanctity of the rule...

Press Release November 16, 2020

TPPF Releases Legislative Agenda to Ensure Texas’ Future Prosperity

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation released the Liberty Action Agenda, a set of policy proposals for Texas’ 87th Legislative Session to keep the individuals, families and businesses free, prosperous and secure across the state.   “Now more than ever, the soul of our great state is at risk,” said TPPF Executive Director Kevin Roberts, Ph.D. “Now is not the time to maintain the...

Press Release November 10, 2020

TPPF: Texas Virtual Education Opportunities Should Be Extended for Districts and Families

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation published the paper Virtual Education in Texas. “The state of Texas has created limitations on virtual education that have led to unexpected consequences, which were exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Emily Sass, policy director for Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Next Generation Texas Campaign. “Because of the Legislature’s prior reluctance to allow districts to...

Press Release November 4, 2020

TPPF: Attorney General Right to Take Action on Exposed Election Fraud

The Texas Public Policy Foundation released the following statement regarding recently exposed evidence from Project Veritas of potential voter fraud in San Antonio: “TPPF and its Election Protection Project commend Veritas for their bravery in disclosing how laws are flouted, abused and violated with impunity during the election cycle to game the Texas elections,” said Francisco “Quico”...

Press Release October 27, 2020

TPPF Files Amicus Brief Requesting SCOTX Order County Election Officials Follow State Voter Registration Laws

The Texas Public Policy Foundation filed an amicus brief supporting the Public Interest Legal Foundation’s filing with the Texas Supreme Court asking the Court to order county election officials to follow the state’s voter registration laws and review reports of questionable practices including reports of non-citizens being registered to vote in Harris County. “By failing to properly follow...

Press Release October 27, 2020

Kentucky Should Consider Ways to Detain Fewer Nonviolent Defendants Awaiting Trial

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Right on Crime initiative published the paper Bail Reform in Kentucky: A Primer for Future Legislative Efforts. “Major overcrowding in Kentucky jails has long been a problem but the COVID-19 pandemic provided a successful, albeit forced, experiment into pretrial reforms that would enhance public safety while effectively prioritizing keeping dangerous...

Press Release October 27, 2020