New TPPF Study Highlights Involvement of Organized Crime in Illegal Immigration

“Joined at the Hip: Organized Crime and Illegal Immigration” is the title of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s (TPPF) latest study that explains how both transnational gangs and transnational criminal organizations are involved in the massive waves of illegal immigration currently coming across America’s southern border. Authored by TPPF senior fellow in border security Josh...

Press Release March 5, 2021

TPPF: “For the People” Act is Unconstitutional, Denies Free Speech, and Undermines State Control of Elections

The Texas Public Policy Foundation resoundingly rejects the “For the People Act” (H.R. 1), unconstitutional legislation that would dangerously distort our system of ensuring free and fair elections. The proposal would unconstitutionally federalize the election process in states, create illegal mandates related to the maintenance of voter rolls, hamstring a state’s ability to verify voter...

Press Release March 4, 2021

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Appoints TPPF Attorneys as Special Outside Counsel

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton appointed the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s (TPPF) General Counsel Robert Henneke and Theodore Hadzi-Antich to serve as special outside counsel assisting Texas’ lead attorney Judd Stone in the state’s intervention in State of New York, et al. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cause No. 21-1028 consolidated with 21-1060 (U.S....

Press Release March 1, 2021