TPPF Sues Biden Administration to Rescind Endangerment Finding

The Texas Public Policy Foundation, representing a coalition of California businesses and individuals, filed suit to challenge the Environmental Protection Agency’s unreasonable delay in addressing the Foundation’s clients’ petition to reconsider endangerment and cause or contribute findings for greenhouse gases under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act (the “Endangerment Finding”). Read the full complaint....

Press Release April 22, 2021

TPPF: ‘Smarter Justice, Safer Texas’ Makes Great Progress for Criminal Justice Reform

The Texas Public Policy Foundation applauded the package of bipartisan criminal justice reform bills put forward by Speaker Dade Phelan and Speaker Pro-Tem Moody that improve public safety, address law enforcement training, and give opportunities to those who deserve them. “The Speaker’s criminal justice package covers the gamut of incremental improvements that have been proposed...

Press Release April 21, 2021

TPPF: Biden Administration Reverses Course on Clarifying Rules for Small Businesses

The Texas Public Policy Foundation filed objections to two proposals of the United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) that seek to scrap Trump Administration rules that help businesses survive and prosper. The Independent Contractor Rule established straightforward “core factors” for determining whether a person providing services is an “employee” or an “independent contractor” for purposes...

Press Release April 12, 2021