TPPF Applauds Passage of HB 569

AUSTIN – The Texas Public Policy Foundation applauds the Texas Senate passage of HB 569, strong legislation that will assist in helping former prisoners establish themselves in the community after release. Also known as the “Bonton Farms Bill” after the inspirational urban farm and market established by Daron Babcock in south Dallas, this legislation helps reduce in–court costs and fines so that individuals reentering society have better opportunities for self-sufficiency. The bill passed the Texas House...

Press Release May 13, 2021

TPPF: Texas’ Improved Revenue Projection Should Go to Property Tax Relief

In response to the Texas Comptroller’s announcement that state revenue would be more than $3 billion higher than expected for the 2022-2023 biennium, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Vance Ginn released the following statement: “The Texas Comptroller’s improved estimate of tax collections from primarily an improving COVID-19 situation and opened economy shows that the Legislature...

Press Release May 3, 2021

Right on Crime, American Conservative Union Applaud Tennessee Leadership for Passing Criminal Justice Reform Bills

Nashville, TN — Today, Right on Crime and The American Conservative Union applaud the Tennessee General Assembly and Governor Lee for exhibiting bold leadership in the passage of HB 784, that expands and improves evidence-based alternative sentencing programs, and HB 785, the Reentry Success Act. The bills passed the Tennessee House on April 22, with...

Press Release April 29, 2021