TPPF Releases New Video, Border ‘Crisis: Cartels and Drug Trafficking’

Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation released a new video titled “Border Crisis: Cartels and Drug Trafficking,” highlighting the unprecedented increase in drug trafficking at the U.S.-Mexico border. This video is the latest effort by the TPPF-led Border Security Coalition to shine a spotlight on the border crisis, which through a combination of failed federal policy and a surge of new migrants has grown...

Press Release August 3, 2021

TPPF, AFPI: Reversal of Trump Environmental Reforms Is Bad Policy and Illegal

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Life:Powered project and the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) submitted joint comments to the U.S. Council on Environmental Quality opposing a proposed rule to thwart a major reform action taken by the Trump Administration.   “Lengthy permitting processes have long been a serious drag on the nation’s economy. Multi-year approval processes driven by bloated, complex, and burdensome regulations...

Press Release July 30, 2021