Foundation supports Gov. Perry’s veto of additional and unnecessary government pre-kindergarten program

AUSTIN – The Texas Public Policy Foundation supports Gov. Rick Perry’s decision to veto House Bill 130, which would have inappropriately expanded government-funded pre-kindergarten programs in Texas. “Gov. Perry was correct to veto HB 130, which created an additional and unnecessary government full-day pre-k program,” said Foundation education policy analyst Brooke Terry. “This legislation wrongly...

Press Release June 19, 2009

Foundation: Taxpayers fared well in 2009 legislative session

Taxpayers fared well this legislative session, according to the post-session assessment of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. “The Legislature adopted a relatively conservative budget, needed eminent domain reform, and improved public school accountability, while cutting taxes for small businesses,” said Justin Keener, the Foundation’s vice president of policy and communications. “To taxpayers’ relief, they defeated...

Press Release June 2, 2009