High Taxation: The British and…

News today out of France that actor Gerard Depardieu is selling his massive manor house in the swanky Saint Germain district of Paris. He intends to move to Belgium to escape the French socialist government’s pending 75 percent surtax on income exceeding one million euros. Residents of Belgium pay neither a wealth tax nor a capital gains tax on stock sales.  French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Depardieu's action was "pathetic" and unpatriotic. In addition to Belgium, wealthy French are said to be eyeing Britain as a place to escape the tax man.  But, as the French prepare to flee north across the Channel, the British have tax problems of their own, with about a half-million of them looking to move abroad to escape rising taxes and crime.  Meanwhile, a fresh round of articles verify a continuing pattern of migration from America’s largest state to its second-largest state—a trend that is likely to continue, now that California has the highest income tax in the nation while Texas levies no income tax. Yet, Golden State Democrats deny that tax rates influence behavior, claiming that high California taxes won’t spark an outmigration of wealth.  We’ll see.  In the meantime, Texas will be more than happy to receive into its welcoming arms people who want to work hard, invest, and create jobs.

Press Release December 14, 2012

Media registration opens for 11th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature

AUSTIN – Media registration opened today for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s 11thAnnual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature. This year’s event, which is already sold out, takes place January 9-11 at the Hilton Austin Hotel.  The Foundation’s annual event, Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature, brings together lawmakers, policy experts, and citizens from across the political...

Press Release December 14, 2012

TPPF comments on Texas’ electricity market in the wake of major report from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas

  “The Electric Reliability Council of Texas’ (ERCOT)  resource adequacy update highlights the point that while the Texas electricity market is not facing a crisis, it is in need of reform. However, we need not abandon Texas’ competitive electricity market by forcing consumers to foot the bill for subsidies to generators through a capacity market...

Press Release December 10, 2012

TPPF statement on Comptroller Susan Combs’ final report in the It’s Your Money Series titled Your Money and Pension Obligations

“The Texas Public Policy Foundation applauds the Texas Comptroller’s latest report on state and local government public pension systems. This informative and comprehensive review of Texas’ retirement systems provides policymakers and the public with a significant amount of new data and analysis with which to make intelligent decisions about the direction and stability of Texas’...

Press Release December 6, 2012

Statement by Texas Public Policy Foundation on Sen. DeMint’s pending leadership of the Heritage Foundation

AUSTIN – The Texas Public Policy Foundation, one of America’s premier state-level free-market research institutes, issued the following statement from president and CEO Brooke Rollins, on the news of Sen. Jim DeMint’s announced move from the U.S. Senate to head up the Heritage Foundation: “We view the Heritage Foundation as America’s flagship free-market public policy...

Press Release December 6, 2012