TPPF’s John Davidson to testify before Texas House Pensions Committee

Director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s (TPPF) Center for Health Care Policy John Davidson will testify before the Texas House Pensions Committee TODAY, Monday, March 16, at 2:00 p.m. CDT or upon adjournment in room E2.028 in the Texas State Capitol. Davidson will testify on HB 966, which relates to the creation of an optional consumer-directed health plan for certain individuals eligible to participate in the group benefits program provided under the Texas Employees Group Benefits Act and their qualified dependents. 

Press Release March 16, 2015

TPPF’s Tom Lindsay to testify on Article V Convention Legislation

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s (TPPF) Center for Tenth Amendment Action Director Dr. Tom Lindsay will testify before the House Select Committee on State & Federal Power & Responsibility TOMORROW, Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 10:30 CDT or upon final adjournment.  Dr. Lindsay will testify on House Joint Resolutions 78 and 79, which would call for an Article V Convention for the purpose of proposing a balanced budget amendment.

Press Release March 11, 2015

New poll shows voters strongly support new justice reforms in Texas

A new poll released by Right on Crime, a project of the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the nation’s leading conservative public policy campaign for criminal justice reform, shows voters strongly support criminal justice reforms in Texas. The poll conducted by Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Research for the Texas Public Policy Foundation found that the vast majority of likely Texas voters want to hold more nonviolent offenders accountable in communities, make penalties proportionate to the crime, and ensure those leaving prison spend part of their sentence-under community supervision.

Press Release March 10, 2015

TPPF statement on spending limit reform

“We applaud the recommendations outlined in SB 9 and SJR 2 to strengthen the state’s spending limit,” said Heflin. “The current spending limit covers only about 40 percent of the total budget leaving opportunities to play shell games with taxpayer dollars. These measures would cap the appropriations required to be certified by the Comptroller at the rate of population growth plus inflation. Limiting the footprint growth of government will allow Texans, especially the working poor, more opportunity to prosper.”

Press Release March 10, 2015