TPPF statement on the Texas Legislature’s passage of the 2016-17 budget

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Director of the Center for Fiscal Policy, the Honorable Talmadge Heflin, issued the following statement congratulating the 84th Texas Legislature for passing a conservative Texas budget. The budget increases in all funds, including federal funds of 3.6 percent to $209.4 billion and state funds of 5.8 percent to $141.4 billion, are below the Conservative Texas Budget Coalition’s recommended 6.5 percent spending limit based on population growth plus inflation.

Press Release May 29, 2015

Conservative Texas Budget Coalition statement on 2016-17 budget

The Conservative Texas Budget Coalition issued the following statements in support of the Conference Committee’s Report for House Bill 1. This is the final 2016-17 Texas budget that will be voted up or down by both chambers. The increases in all funds of 3.6 percent to $209.4 billion and state funds of 5.8 percent to $141.4 billion are below the Coalition’s recommendation of a 6.5 percent spending limit based on population growth plus inflation.

Press Release May 28, 2015