TPPF releases paper on reforming Texas’ local property tax

The Texas Public Policy Foundation today released a paper on reforming local property tax in Texas. The paper, The Freedom to Own Property: Reforming Texas’ Local Property Tax, by Center for Economic Freedom Senior Policy Analyst Kathleen Hunker, Center for Local Governance Director James Quintero, and Center for Fiscal Policy Economist Vance Ginn, Ph.D., examines alternatives to the complicated and burdensome property tax system in Texas.

Press Release October 30, 2015

TPPF statement on Dallas’ downgraded debt rating

On Wednesday, Moody’s Investor Service downgraded the City of Dallas’ debt rating for its general obligation limited tax debt, citing the City’s “very large and growing unfunded pension liabilities, a high fixed cost burden, and basic infrastructure needs.”  This is the second time Dallas’ bond rating has been downgraded in 12 years. The move came within hours of the Dallas City Council announcing that it would issue an additional $227 million in bonds.

Press Release October 29, 2015