TPPF Policy Orientation panel to address tax and expenditure limits

Texas state spending has increased faster than population growth plus inflation since 2004. To explore options for an effective tax and expenditure limit (TEL), the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Fiscal Policy will host the panel “Limits or No Limits: Will Budget Restrictions Alter Growth in our State?” at the 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature on Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 11:00 am CST at the Hilton Austin Hotel in Salon J.

Press Release December 15, 2015

TPPF Policy Orientation panel to address overgrown criminal justice system

After decades of growing incarceration rates and public spending on criminal justice, policymakers have begun holistically addressing the many interconnected parts of the criminal justice system. To discuss the criminal justice system and identify best practices, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Effective Justice will host the panel “Right-Sizing an Overgrown Criminal Justice System” at the 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature on Friday, January 8, 2016 at 11:00 am CST at the Hilton Austin Hotel in Salon K.

Press Release December 14, 2015

TPPF Policy Orientation panel to address Endangered Species Act delisting

The goal of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is recovery of endangered species. To explore efforts to delist species not threatened as endangered and discuss the lack of constitutional authority to regulated intrastate species under the ESA, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for the American Future will host the panel “Mission Accomplished!? What Should Happen After a Protected Species Under the Endangered Species Act Recovers” at the 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature on Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 2:00 pm CST at the Hilton Austin Hotel in Meeting Room 616.

Press Release December 14, 2015

TPPF Policy Orientation panel to address evolving role of law enforcement

Interactions between police and civilians have captured recent headlines. To discuss the role of law enforcement and policies that better enable police to keep communities safe, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Effective Justice will host the panel “Watchmen or Warfighter? Finding a Policing Model for the 21st Century” at the 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature on Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 3:30 pm CST at the Hilton Austin Hotel in Meeting Room 616.

Press Release December 14, 2015

TPPF experts available to discuss Paris climate deal “COP21”

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s leading energy and environment experts are available to discuss the climate change agreement approved Saturday in Paris at the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21). Experts include the Foundation’s Director of the Center for the American Future Robert Henneke, Distinguished Senior Fellow-in-Residence & Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy & the Environment, Kathleen Hartnett White, and Director of the Fueling Freedom Project, the Honorable Doug Domenech.

Press Release December 14, 2015

TPPF Policy Orientation panel to address the Clean Power Plan

During a recent congressional hearing, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy was asked to justify her comments that the Clean Power Plan was “enormously beneficial” when it would only avert one one-hundredth of a degree of global warming and cost hundreds of billions of dollars to implement. To explore what benefits environmental regulations should accomplish to justify the cost, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for the American Future will host the panel “Benefit versus Burden: Do the EPA’s Clean Power Plan Costs Exceed the Regulation’s Impact?” at the 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature on Friday, January 8, 2016 at 9:30 am CST at the Hilton Austin Hotel in Salon J.

Press Release December 11, 2015

TPPF Policy Orientation panel to address telemedicine

In April 2015, the Texas Medical Board issued a rule that made Texas the most restrictive state in the country for regulation of telemedicine. A lawsuit was filed in response to the rule. To examine the implications of this rule and lawsuits on the future of telemedicine in Texas, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Health Care Policy will host the panel “The Uber Debate of Health Care: Telemedicine and Texas” at the 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 3:00 pm CST at the Hilton Austin Hotel in Meeting Room 616.

Press Release December 11, 2015

TPPF Policy Orientation panel to address poverty policies

Government has a range of policies designed to help the poor. Some claim a rising wealth gap points to an inherent problem with free markets, while others point to government as the source of the problem. To examine the best approach to help people achieve the American Dream, the Texas Public Policy Foundation will host the panel “Government and Poverty: Do Our Policies Help or Hurt” at the 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 3:00 pm CST at the Hilton Austin Hotel in Salon J.

Press Release December 11, 2015

TPPF Policy Orientation panel to address the Texas model and tax reform

The Texas model of low taxes, no individual income tax, and moderate regulation has generated prosperity for many Texans. Yet, the business franchise tax and local property taxes draw criticism for hindering economic opportunity. To examine potential improvements to the state’s tax structure, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Fiscal Policy will host the panel “Advancing the Texas Model: Will a Simple Tax System Drive Prosperity?” at the 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature on Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 3:30 pm CST at the Hilton Austin Hotel in Salon K.

Press Release December 11, 2015

TPPF Policy Orientation panel to address the Conservative Texas Budget

The 84th Texas Legislature passed a budget increase of less than population growth plus inflation. To examine whether this constitutes a conservative budget and if it can meet the needs of Texans, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Fiscal Policy will host the panel “Spending vs. Taxation: Does the Conservative Texas Budget Meet the Needs of Texans?” at the 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 1:30 pm CST at the Hilton Austin Hotel in Salon J.

Press Release December 11, 2015