MEDIA AVAILABILITY: TPPF experts available to discuss criminal justice reform

President Obama is expected to discuss criminal justice reform in his final State of the Union Address tonight. TPPF experts, Marc Levin, Director of the Center for Effective Justice and Right on Crime; Derek Cohen, Deputy Director of the Center for Effective Justice and Right on Crime; and Greg Glod, Policy Analyst with the Center for Effective Justice and Right on Crime are available to discuss criminal justice reform.

Press Release January 12, 2016

MEDIA AVAILABILITY: TPPF experts available to discuss Texas Governor Abbott’s endorsement of Convention of States

At the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) 14th Annual Policy Orientation today, Texas Governor Greg Abbott called for an Article V Convention of States to amend the Constitution for the purpose of limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government. TPPF experts Dr. Tom Lindsay, Director of the Center for 10th Amendment Action at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, and The Honorable Robert Henneke, General Counsel and Director of the Center for American of Freedom are available to discuss the endorsement.

Press Release January 8, 2016

TODAY AT TPPF POLICY ORIENTATION: Governor Greg Abbott & presidential campaign advisors

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature convenes its third and final day, TODAY, Friday, January 8, 2016 with a breakfast keynote featuring presidential campaign advisors discussing “Strategy & Democracy: A Conversation on the 2016 Presidential Elections” and a closing keynote luncheon featuring Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who will make a major policy announcement expected to spark a national conversation. 

Press Release January 8, 2016

Texas Governor Greg Abbott to make major policy announcement at TPPF Policy Orientation

he Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) announced today that Texas Governor Greg Abbott will make a major policy announcement expected to spark a national conversation. Gov. Abbott will make the announcement at the closing keynote at the 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature TOMORROW, Friday, January 8, 2016 at 12:30 pm CST at the Hilton Austin Hotel in the Grand Ballroom.

Press Release January 7, 2016

TODAY AT TPPF POLICY ORIENTATION: Sen. Tom Coburn, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Sen. Phil Gramm, & Commissioner George P. Bush

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature convenes its second day, TODAY, Thursday, January 7, 2016 with a breakfast keynote featuring former U.S. Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) and a luncheon keynote on education freedom with former U.S. Senator Phil Gramm, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Nevada Lieutenant Governor Mark Hutchison, and Commissioner George P. Bush.

Press Release January 7, 2016

TODAY AT TPPF POLICY ORIENTATION: Sergeant Dakota Meyer, policy panels on criminal justice, spending vs. taxation, health care, telemedicine, college affordability, poverty and a plenary session on forced annexation

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s 14th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature begins TODAY, Wednesday, January 6, 2016 with a luncheon keynote by Medal of Honor recipient Sgt Dakota Meyer USMC and panels discussing criminal justice, spending vs. taxation, Texas’ health care crisis, telemedicine, college affordability for Texas’ rising low-income majority, poverty, and forced annexation.

Press Release January 6, 2016

TPPF files suit over federal regulation of Bone Cave Harvestman arachnid

The Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF)’s Center for the American Future representing Williamson County resident John Yearwood and Williamson County, Texas today filed suit to intervene into the pending lawsuit seeking delisting of the Bone-Cave Harvestman from the Endangered Species Act. Mr. Yearwood and Williamson County, Texas challenge the authority of the federal government to use the Interstate Commerce Clause to regulate non-commercial interactions with the Bone Cave Harvestman arachnid, which only exists in two central Texas counties, is not bought nor traded in interstate commerce, and does not otherwise affect interstate commerce.

Press Release December 16, 2015