TPPF and former Comptroller Susan Combs question FWS refusal to conduct status review of delisting golden-cheeked warbler

Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) General Counsel and Director of the Center for the American Future Robert Henneke and head of Texans for Positive Economic Policy (TPEP) former Texas Comptroller Susan Combs issued the following statements on the decision of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to deny a status review of the delisting petition filed by TPPF and TPEP to remove the golden-cheeked warbler from the Endangered Species List because of its documented recovery:

Press Release June 6, 2016

Texas Public Policy Foundation releases paper on affordable housing

The Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) today released a paper on affordable housing in Texas by Kathleen Hunker, senior policy analyst for the Center for Economic Freedom at TPPF. The paper, “Bringing Down the Housing Restrictions,” examines the impact of excessive regulation on housing prices. It argues that the crunch felt by urban families in Austin and throughout Texas stems from unnecessary costs added by central planning.

Press Release May 31, 2016

TPPF announces release of Kathleen Hartnett White’s book, “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”

The Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) today announced the release of Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy (Regnery Publishing; 978-1621574095; 2016) by Kathleen Hartnett White, distinguished senior fellow-in-residence and director of the Armstrong Center for Energy & the Environment at TPPF, and Steve Moore, distinguished visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation. The book debunks myths about fossil fuels and explains how oil, natural gas, and coal are irreplaceable and have the power to unleash an economic revival for America.

Press Release May 23, 2016