ICYMI: Video of TPPF Briefing on Clean Power Plan Legal Challenge

The Texas Public Policy Foundation yesterday hosted a briefing in advance of today’s oral arguments before the D.C. Circuit Court in State of West Virginia, et al. v. EPA. The briefing previewed the key legal arguments before the en banc panel regarding EPA’s authority to regulate the nation’s power generating industry under the Clean Power Plan (CPP). Issues include constitutional challenges striking at the heart of the CPP, focusing on EPA’s usurpation of state powers to regulate the use of in-state natural resources, and its attempt to rewrite the Clean Air Act to suit its overarching goal of regulating CO2 emissions.

Press Release September 27, 2016

TODAY: TPPF Hosts Briefing on Clean Power Plan Legal Challenge

The Texas Public Policy Foundation will host a briefing on the eve of oral arguments before the D.C. Circuit Court in State of West Virginia, et al. v. EPA. The discussion will preview the key legal arguments to be addressed before the en banc panel regarding EPA’s authority to regulate the nation’s power generating industry under the Clean Power Plan (CPP). Issues include constitutional challenges striking at the heart of the CPP, focusing on EPA’s usurpation of state powers to regulate the use of in-state natural resources, and its attempt to rewrite the Clean Air Act to suit its overarching goal of regulating CO2 emissions.

Press Release September 26, 2016

MONDAY: TPPF Hosts Briefing on Clean Power Plan Legal Challenge

The Texas Public Policy Foundation will host a briefing on the eve of oral arguments before the D.C. Circuit Court in State of West Virginia, et al. v. EPA. The discussion will preview the key legal arguments to be addressed before the en banc panel regarding EPA’s authority to regulate the nation’s power generating industry under the Clean Power Plan (CPP). Issues include constitutional challenges striking at the heart of the CPP, focusing on EPA’s usurpation of state powers to regulate the use of in-state natural resources, and its attempt to rewrite the Clean Air Act to suit its overarching goal of regulating CO2 emissions.

Press Release September 23, 2016

TPPF Statement on Gov. Abbott Notice of Intention to Withdraw from Federal Refugee Program

Texas Public Policy Foundation’s General Counsel and Center for the American Future Director The Honorable Robert Henneke and Center for Tenth Amendment Action Director Chip Roy issued the following statement on letter sent yesterday by the State of Texas to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) giving official notice of its intention to withdraw from the federal refugee resettlement program should ORR not unconditionally approve Texas’ state plan by September 30th.   

Press Release September 22, 2016

MONDAY: TPPF Hosts Briefing on Clean Power Plan Legal Challenge

The Texas Public Policy Foundation will host a briefing on the eve of oral arguments before the D.C. Circuit Court in State of West Virginia, et al. v. EPA. The discussion will preview the key legal arguments to be addressed before the en banc panel regarding EPA’s authority to regulate the nation’s power generating industry under the Clean Power Plan (CPP). Issues include constitutional challenges striking at the heart of the CPP, focusing on EPA’s usurpation of state powers to regulate the use of in-state natural resources, and its attempt to rewrite the Clean Air Act to suit its overarching goal of regulating CO2 emissions.

Press Release September 21, 2016

TPPF Statement on Port Aransas City Council Suspension of Plastic Bag Ban

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s (TPPF) Center for Local Governance Director James Quintero issued the following statement on the Port Aransas City Council 5 to 1 vote last week to suspend its ordinance prohibiting businesses from providing single-use plastic bags to customers. Port Aransas’ decision to upend the ordinance comes on the heels of a recent opinion issued by the Fourth Court of Appeals finding that a similar ban enacted by the city of Laredo had been passed in violation of existing state law and must be struck down.

Press Release September 19, 2016