TPPF Statement on Property Reform & Tax Relief Legislation

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Local Governance Director James Quintero issued the following statement on the announced drafting of Senate Bill 2 (SB 2), The Property Tax Reform & Relief Act of 2017, which is expected to overhaul Texas’ property tax system. SB 2 comes in response to the Texas Senate Select Committee on Property Tax Reform & Relief’s Interim Report to the 85th Legislature, which puts forward several structural property tax reforms recommendations for the upcoming legislative session.  

Press Release November 30, 2016

TPPF Statement on Texas Senate Committee’s Call for Local Debt Transparency

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Local Governance Director James Quintero issued the following statement on the Texas Senate Committee on Intergovernmental Relation’s Interim Report to the 85th Legislature, which recommends several reforms to improve transparency and accountability in the local debt issuance process. The report’s recommendations include providing Texas voters with “basic essential information that will inform voters of the potential impact of the issuance of new fiscal obligations.”

Press Release November 30, 2016

TPPF Statement on Texas Senate Committee’s Call for Annexation Reform

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Local Governance Director James Quintero issued the following statement on the Texas Senate Committee on Intergovernmental Relation’s Interim Report to the 85th Legislature, which recommends substantial reforms to the current involuntary annexation process. The report’s recommendations include that the incoming legislature “strengthen the annexation process by encouraging greater citizen participation from those affected by a proposed annexation plan.”

Press Release November 30, 2016

TPPF Files Motion for Summary Judgment in Bone Cave Harvestman Lawsuit

The Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) filed a motion for summary judgment in the pending lawsuit seeking delisting of the Bone Cave Harvestman from the Endangered Species Act. TPPF’s Center for the American Future is representing Williamson County resident John Yearwood and Williamson County, Texas in the lawsuit, which challenges the authority of the federal government to use the Interstate Commerce Clause to regulate non-commercial interactions with the Bone Cave Harvestman arachnid, which only exists in two central Texas counties, is not bought nor traded in interstate commerce, and does not otherwise affect interstate commerce.  

Press Release November 16, 2016

TPPF Releases Outline for “Restoring Liberty through the States”

The Texas Public Policy Foundation today released “Restoring Liberty through the States—and the People,” which is a road map for America to re-center federal governance on only constitutionally enumerated powers, which maximize liberty and prosperity by leaving all other governing authority with the states, or the people. To read “Restoring Liberty through the States—and the People,” please visit:  

Press Release November 10, 2016

TPPF Policy Orientation Panel to Address Plastic Bag Bans

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Local Governance will host the panel, “The California-zation of Texas: Plastic Bag Bans,” at the 15th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature on Thursday, January 12th, 2017 at 3:30 p.m. CST at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol. More than a dozen municipalities in Texas have enacted single-use plastic bag bans and restrictions of some type, arguably in violation of existing state law. This panel will debate the merits of these policies as well as the implications for the rule of law.

Press Release November 7, 2016

TPPF Statement on Special Masters’ Report in Children’s Rights Lawsuit

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Director of the Center for Families and Children Brandon Logan, J.D., CWLS, issued the following statement in response to the Special Masters’ Report ordered in December 2015 by U.S. District Judge Janis Jack, who ruled in M.D. v. Abbott, a class-action lawsuit brought by Children’s Rights, Inc., that Texas’ long-term foster care system violated children's civil rights and ordered the state to hire special masters to come up with solutions. 

Press Release November 4, 2016

TPPF Policy Orientation Panel to Address Ridesharing Regulation

The Texas Public Policy’s (TPPF) Center for Local Governance will host the panel, “Time to Slam the Brakes on Local Ridesharing Regulations?” at the 15th Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature on Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 at 3:45 p.m. CST at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol. The panel will discuss the affect of local ridesharing regulations on the economy and how the state Legislature should address differing local regulations.

Press Release November 4, 2016