Monday, July 13, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Missed the event? CLICK HERE to view the video recording.

Across the country, state and local officials say they are making decisions on how to respond to COVID-19 using the best data possible. However, public access to data varies widely from state to state and rarely do policymakers connect the dots for the public to justify actions such as closing businesses, shutting down public areas, or making masks mandatory. Join us for a discussion on tracking the data and the difficulty of getting access to the information that would better help us better understand the disease.


When you RSVP, you will receive more information on how to tune in, a reminder when our experts are live, plus access to the video if you’re unable to watch in real time or want to share it with friends and neighbors.

The livestream can be viewed Monday, July 13th at 12PM CST via the following links. Watch via YouTube to submit your questions during the live Q&A.