Tuesday, June 1, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CT

Miss the event? Click here to view the recording.


The end of the legislative session is a time for taking stock. Did our lawmakers achieve what we sent them to Austin to do? Texas’ substantive response to the state’s major challenges shows that Texas is still the model for good governance. Washington continues to drift leftward, and states like California and New York are becoming unrecognizable, but the Lone Star State stands for freedom. Still, there a number of things the legislature did not accomplish which will reportedly be worked out in a special session. Our panelists give a preview of what is likely to come – and how the legislature still has the opportunity to keep Texas Texas.


When you RSVP, you will receive more information on how to tune in, a reminder before our event is live, plus access to the video if you’re unable to watch in real time or want to share it with friends and neighbors.


The livestream can be viewed Tuesday, June 1st at 12PM CST via the following links. Watch via YouTube to submit your questions during the live Q&A.